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Cinemachine Camera Transform is not reset to previous values after chang...
How to reproduce: 1. Open any project with Cinemachine and Splines installed (3.0.0-pre.9+) 2. Create a Spline in the Hierarchy 3... Read more
Cinemachine immediate visual feedback in the Game view is not working wh...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the “” project 2. Open the “SampleScene” 3. Select the “Main Camera” in the Hierarch... Read more
"transform.position assign attempt for 'PlayerFollowCamera' is not valid...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the “” project 2. Open the “Home“ scene 3. In the Hierarchy window select Player > PlayerFol... Read more
ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is thrown when there are Activatio...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “BugRepro” project 2. Open the “Assets/Test1Scene“ Scene 3. Enter The Play Mode 4. Obse... Read more
Cinemachine transition camera rotation flips when disabling the parent
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user’s attached “” project 2. Open “SampleScene” Scene (Assets > Scenes)... Read more
"NullReferenceException" error is thrown when CinemachineDeoccluder.Push...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the “ReproProject“ project 2. Open the “Assets/+ProjectSpecific/Scenes/Circuit2“ scene 3. Enter Play ... Read more
The Cinemachine Pan Tilt Component recenters to 0 when the Center value ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the ““ project 2. Open the “SampleScene“ 3. Select the “CinemachineCam... Read more
Error “TargetPositionCache is inaccessible due to its protection level“ ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "ReproProj" 2. Delete the “/Assets/Scripts/TargetPositionCache.cs” Script 3. Obs... Read more
Game Window Guides fail to appear when "Display 2" is selected in the Ga...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "repro_IN-83795" project 2. Open the "Assets/Samples/Cinemachine/2.10.1/Cinemachine Example... Read more
Cinemachine Camera drifts when having multiple Parent GameObjects in the...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “IN-83830” Project 2. Locate and open the "Playground" Scene 3. Enter Play mode 4. Locate... Read more
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- Search: Inspector section icon is less sharp/more pixelated than other editor icons
- Search description string is always truncated
- [VFX] When Grouped Nodes are converted to Subgraph Operator resulting Graph Node is not included in the Group
- Search window icons are less sharp/more pixelated than other editor icons
- The Inspector can be covered when scaling the horizontal separator bar