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Won't Fix

In Progress in 2023.3.X

Under Consideration for 2022.3.X, 2023.2.X



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Issue ID




[WebGL] Splash Screen Unity Logo results in 2 Mb or more of build size when building the Player



How to reproduce:
1. Open the “AssetSizeIssue“ project
2. Open the “SampleScene”
3. Build the Player
4. Open the Editor Logs (Console window > (3 vertical dots) > “Open Editor Log”)
5. Observe the “Build Report” and the “Used Assets and files from the Resources folder, sorted by uncompressed size” sections

Expected result: “Splash Screen Unity Logo” usage is below 0.5 mb
Actual result: “Splash Screen Unity Logo” usage is around 2.0-2.7mb

Reproduced with: 2022.2.0a6, 2022.3.20f1, 2023.2.10f1, 2023.3.0b7
Not reproduced with: 2021.3.35f1, 2022.2.0a5

Reproduced on: macOS 14.2.1 (M1) (by reporter), macOS 14.1.1 (M2), Windows 11
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

1. Reproducible in a new project
2. Reproducible with Windows, macOS Standalone Players and WebGL Player
3. In non reproducible version “Texture” usage is around 128.2kb

  1. Resolution Note:

    After a thorough investigation, we've resolved the issue regarding the splash screen logo appearing despite the "Show splash screen logo" being disabled. Our findings indicate that the reported discrepancy in size was closer to 100KB, not the initially stated 2.7MB.

    Upon conducting further tests, we confirmed a difference of approximately 50-100KB between builds with and without the logo. Additionally, we verified that the logo undergoes compression during the build process, utilizing DXT5.

    We want to clarify that the reported sizes in the build report reflect uncompressed usage rather than the final size due to collective asset compression. Therefore, the discrepancy in reported sizes cannot accurately represent individual content within the archive file.

    As a result, we've decided to close this bug as "won't fix"

    We understand the importance of accurate build size information for fine-tuning your projects, and apologize for any inconvenience caused by this limitation of the current system.

Comments (5)

  1. michaeldobele

    Feb 28, 2024 06:49

    Karl Jones how do you disable the inclusion of the splash screen on Unity 2022.3.13? I have a Pro license and under Player Settings -> Splash Screen have "Show Splash Screen" unticked yet as this bug states in the build logs it says the splash screen is being included and adding 2.7mb to my build unnecessarily!


    Feb 14, 2024 13:04

    Could webgl builds download the logo instead of adding it to the build in the interest of file size?

  3. karl_jones

    Feb 14, 2024 12:33

    If you are not using the splash screen then you also need to disable the Show Unity logo option to remove the logo from the build otherwise it will still be included. We have a SplashScreen API that can be used to draw the splash screen when it's disabled so we still need to keep the logo included. If you check the build report you should see it explain as to why the logo is included in the build. Note the logo has always been included but we recently made it optional so it now shows up differently in the build report and appears to be adding more to the build, it was always adding this much but was not visible.

    We'll investigate the bug report, but it's probable that, at most, it will result in a warning within the player settings indicating the logo's inclusion. Therefore, there's no need to wait for a fix.

  4. Kellyrayj

    Feb 13, 2024 12:56

    I second what Kreso said. This is near 30% of my build size

  5. kreso

    Feb 13, 2024 11:57

    This may not seem like a big deal. Especially for Standalone (desktop games).

    But, generally speaking the Web GL build is a build for the Web.
    It is crucial for the build to be trimmed down in size as much as possible for faster loading time.

    For perspective: my current build is around 7MB. I diligently optimize textures, shaders, etc.
    Yet Unity logo takes 2.7MB of the 7MB.
    That's around 35% of my whole game size.

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