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Fixed in 2021.3.10f1, 2022.1.16f1, 2022.2.0b8, 2023.1.0a10



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[Cache Server] Editor crashes when disabling CacheServer during ongoing upload


Reproduced 4 times with 2 different projects, it doesn't depend on the project, but it should be big enough so upload is long enough for you to play manually with Preferences.
Form 4 times:
- 1 was hard crash;
- 3 Editor simply hangs.

How can we reproduce it
1 Use any big project (I used 2 Gb ones - VikingVillageHDRP), make sure that CacheServer is setup and enabled beforehand
2 Open the project -
2.1 if you are opening it for the first time with Cache Server enabled then you will see "Uploading artifacts" progress bar in "Background Tasks" window in right down corner
2.2 if you are opening it not the first time with enabled Cache Server then simply open project and then do RightMouse Click -> Reimport All in Project Browser. When Editor is automatically reopened you will see "Uploading artifacts" progress bar in "Background Tasks" window in right down corner
3 While "Uploading artifacts" is still running go to menu->Preferences->Asset Pipeline tab and do next:
4 Change "Default mode" to "disabled"
5 Then click "Check Connection" button for 4-5 times
6 Change "Default mode" to "enabled"
7 Then click "Check Connection" button for 4-5 times
8 Repeat steps 4-7 a few times until Editor hangs or crashes (usually it takes 3-4 repeats for me)

Actual results: Editor hangs or crashes
Expected results: Editor should not hang or crash

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