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DLSS increases cost of ALL GPU operations, mostly motion blur/LensFlare/FixedExposure by upwards of 5-8x perf increase.



Re-opened the bug since I managed to repro on 2021.2.10f1.

Basically the repro steps are simple, just not 100% of the time:
- Retrieve the project
- Open Profiler, under profiling modules, add GPU usage
- Select the new GPU section
- Here search for MotionBlur pass
- Press Play
- Enable / Disable DLSS and see the 5 folds increase of the GPU cost of the pass.

Additional info:
- If does not happen, quit turn unity off and on again.
- Does not seems to happen with other DRS filters.

It also happens on different passes like LensFlareDataDriven / Bloom as per user reports.

Forum thread:

Also, it reproes on trunk as well.

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