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Fixed in 7.5.1
Found in [Package]
7.1.8, 7.1.7, 7.1.5, 6.7.1
Issue ID
[Visual Effect Graph] UnassignedReferenceException errors are thrown on adding Property Binders
-UnassignedReferenceException and NullReferenceException error is thrown continuously on adding Property Binders after resetting VFX Property Binders component.
-Unable to remove the added property binders component.
Steps to repro:
1. Open the attached Project.
2. Select Visual Effect > Add Component > VFX.
3. Property Binders > Audio Sprectrum Binder > Reset.
4. Add Property bindings > Audio > Audio Spectrum to AttributeMap.
Actual Result:
IndexOutOfRangeException & NullReferenceException errors are thrown in the console.
Expected Result:
No errors in the console.
Reproducible in:
2020.1.0a23, 2019.3.1f1, 2019.3.0f6 (27ab2135bccf), 2019.2.0a6.
Tested with Package Version: 7.1.8, 7.1.7, 7.1.5, 6.7.1.
Note: VFX component introduced from 2019.2.0a5.
Occurring on Windows 10 & Mac 10.15.
Stack trace:
UnassignedReferenceException: The variable m_VisualEffect of VFXPropertyBinder has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the m_VisualEffect variable of the VFXPropertyBinder script in the inspector.
UnityEngine.VFX.VisualEffect.HasTexture (System.String name) (at <41cb65e4de6e4a32a59453adb62908b2>:0)
UnityEngine.VFX.Utility.VFXAudioSpectrumBinder.IsValid (UnityEngine.VFX.VisualEffect component) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualeffectgraph@7.1.8/Runtime/Utilities/PropertyBinding/Implementation/VFXAudioSpectrumBinder.cs:37)
UnityEngine.VFX.Utility.VFXPropertyBinder.Update () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualeffectgraph@7.1.8/Runtime/Utilities/PropertyBinding/VFXPropertyBinder.cs:39)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UnityEngine.VFX.Utility.VFXAudioSpectrumBinder.IsValid (UnityEngine.VFX.VisualEffect component) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualeffectgraph@7.1.8/Runtime/Utilities/PropertyBinding/Implementation/VFXAudioSpectrumBinder.cs:37)
UnityEditor.Experimental.VFX.Utility.VFXPropertyBinderEditor.DrawElement (UnityEngine.Rect rect, System.Int32 index, System.Boolean isActive, System.Boolean isFocused) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualeffectgraph@7.1.8/Editor/Utilities/PropertyBinding/VFXPropertyBinderEditor.cs:213)
UnityEditorInternal.ReorderableList.DoListElements (UnityEngine.Rect listRect) (at <6f28216fea9f453abf2e05b770ed3ee4>:0)
UnityEditorInternal.ReorderableList.DoLayoutList () (at <6f28216fea9f453abf2e05b770ed3ee4>:0)
UnityEditor.Experimental.VFX.Utility.VFXPropertyBinderEditor.OnInspectorGUI () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualeffectgraph@7.1.8/Editor/Utilities/PropertyBinding/VFXPropertyBinderEditor.cs:64)
UnityEditor.UIElements.InspectorElement+<>c__DisplayClass55_0.<CreateIMGUIInspectorFromEditor>b__0 () (at <6f28216fea9f453abf2e05b770ed3ee4>:0)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
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Resolution Note (fix version 7.5.1):
Fixed in 7.5.1