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Fixed in 2020.2.X

Fixed in 2020.1.X



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[Improved prefabs] "Dangling components have unfulfilled dependencies" exception thrown on applying joint component as override

Scene Management


"Dangling components have unfulfilled dependencies" exception thrown on applying joint component as an override to a gameObject already having Rigidbody component. Refer the attached video

Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a new project
2) Hierarchy > Right Click > Create Empty
3) Add Rigibody component to this empty gameObject.
4) Create a prefab of this gameObject.
5) Add Character joint component.
6) In the override window > Apply all.

Occurs on: 2019.3.0a4
Not reproducible on: 2019.3.0a3, 2019.2.0b4

Environment: Both Windows and Mac

Stack trace:
Dangling components have unfulfilled dependencies
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

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