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Fixed in 2017.1.X



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Yellow assert "Incomplete mesh data in Sprite" spam in Console after loading/playing scene



Yellow assert "Incomplete mesh data in Sprite. Please reimport or recreate the Sprite." spam in Console after loading/playing scene

1. From the Asset Store, download "RPG Map Editor" by Creative Spore
2. Assets > CreativeSpore > RpgMapEditor > Samples > Scenes
3. Load "demo1 - Big Map.unity"
4. Check Console. If spam does not occur, press Play

The "Incomplete mesh data in Sprite" warning will keep increasing until it reaches 999+.
"Reimport all" does not resolve this issue.

Occurring on: 2017.1.0b3, 5.6.0f3s2
Not occurring: 5.5.3p2, 5.5.3f1

Old bug description

1. Open attached project in 5.6.0b5
2. Open _OldProject > Scenes > MainMAin
3. Check Console

You will see hundreds of "Incomplete mesh data in Sprite" warnings.

4. Play scene

The number of warnings will increase to 999+.

Can repro on 5.6.0b5, 5.6.0b4
Cannot repro on 5.4.4f1, 5.5.1f1, 5.6.0b3s3

Might be related to

On 5.6.0b3s3, this red assert is spammed instead:
Assertion failed on expression: 'spriteRenderingData->renderData->GetSubMeshes().size() == 1'

Comments (3)

  1. FantacyfilmsUS

    May 20, 2017 02:13

    5.6.1f1 is still having the occurrence... please help
    none of my sprites are loading in but the project remains in tact.

  2. AriesT

    Apr 23, 2017 07:20

    I also get this issue. 3000-4000 yellows within 10 seconds of moving the camera in the editor or ingame. Unity seriously needs to stop screwing up their own engine with every other 5.x update. :/

  3. GilesDMiddleton

    Apr 22, 2017 09:07

    This needs to at least tell you WHICH sprites are problematic. I see many people upgrading to 5.6 are seeing this.

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