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[XR][Oculus][Android]Building application as an App Bundle fails when removing one Target Architechture and building second time
How to reproduce:
1. Open "ReproAppBundle" project and build Android application
2. After the build is completed, do not delete the built aab file
3. Remove ARM64 from available target architectures in build settings
4. Build again and overwrite previous aab file
Expected result - Build is successful
Actual result - Build fails with "java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException:
ReproAppBundle\Temp\gradleOut\build\intermediates\jniLibs\release\armeabi-v7a\, see the Console for details"
1. Could not reproduce the issue with Daydream
2. Usually after trying to overwrite aab, every other build fails until the project is re-opened
Reproducible with - 2019.1.0a8, 2018.3.0b8, 2018.3.0a4
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Jul 05, 2019 17:43
i found a fix just in case somebody run into this problem again
alll you have to do is go to "inC:\Users\yourname\UnityProjects\yourproject\Temp\gradleOut\build\intermediates\jniLibs\release\armeabi-v7a and delete the libAudioPluginOculusSpatializer and rebuild and it should fix your problem because when you rebuild and switched it added that libAudioPluginOculusSpatializer which cause that error
Jul 05, 2019 04:16
RMUK same thing happened to me exactly like you just explained it
having the same issue here
Apr 23, 2019 17:46
In my case, running Unity HUB as administrator solved the issue.
Mar 15, 2019 17:34
Having the same error but i'm not using bundles. All i did was change from building for ARMv7 to ARM64 and it started happening.