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Fixed in 2.X, 4.X, 5.X



Found in [Package]

2.8.0, 4.5, 5.3

Issue ID




Windows XR Plugin meshing does not report any removed meshes

Package: Windows XR Plugin


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "" project
2. Open the Scene "SampleScene"
3. Connect to a XR device through "Windows XR Plugin Remoting"
4. Enter the PlayMode
5. Walk around with the headset on
6. Open the Console Window in Unity Editor

Expected result: Removed mesh count is increasing
Actual result: Removed mesh count stays at 0

Reproducible in: 2019.4.29f1 (2.8.0), 2020.3.14f1 (4.5.0), 2021.1.15f1 (5.3.0)

Could not test on: 2021.0a17, 2021.2.0b4, 2022.1.0a2 (because of Windows XR Plugin being deprecated in these versions)

- The issue was tested with HoloLens 2

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