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Fixed in 2021.1.X

Fixed in 2019.4.X, 2020.1.X, 2020.2.X



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Issue ID




[window layout] cannot load editor layout, stuck in infinite loop of "failed to load window layout"

Window management


steps to repro:
1a. copy the attached "corrupted" LastLayout.dwlt into ~/Library/Preferences/Unity/Editor-5.x/Layouts/default/ (or win/linux equivalent directory)
1b. create a new project via Unity hub

Expected: project is created and opens (and... revert factory settings / load default layout buttons fix the issue and Unity opens)
Actual: project is created but then a dialog appears and user is stuck in infinite loop that can only be stopped by selecting "quit"

repro: 2020.2.0a21, 2020.1.5f1
no repro: 2019.4.6f1

- found on MacOS
- "Failed to load window layout" window causes user to be caught in an infinite loop since nothing fixes the issue so the window will stay
- 2019.4.6f1 can successfully open with the "corrupted" LastLayout.dwlt but does show console errors

- try moving or deleting the files at
- ~/Library/Preferences/Unity/Editor-5.x/Layouts/default/LastLayout.dwlt (or equivalent path)
- <PROJECT>/Library/CurrentLayout-default.dwlt

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2021.1):

    You can resolve this issue by upgrading to the appropriate fixed version:
    - 2021.1.0a5
    - 2020.2.0b12
    - 2020.1.14f1

    What has changed?
    - “Failed to load window layout” popup dialog now displays the error that occurred when loading the layout.
    - Choosing “quit” will remove the broken layout from the cache.
    - Choosing “Load default layout” or “revert factory settings” no longer results in an infinite loop with “Failed to load window layout”
- A console error will indicate why Unity failed to load the window layout - this can be cleared.

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2020.2):

    Tested fixed in 2020.2.0b12

    Unity no longer creates an infinite loop of popup dialogs when attempting to load an invalid or corrupted layout.

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 2020.1):

    Tested fixed in 2020.1.14f1

    Unity no longer creates an infinite loop of popup dialogs when attempting to load an invalid or corrupted layout.

Comments (52)

  1. Arganoid

    Jul 10, 2024 17:18

    My student is getting this on 2022 and on the Unity 6 preview, even when creating a brand new project, and even after deleting all Unity folders from AppData in order to reset settings.

  2. AndrewSpalato

    Nov 05, 2023 01:19

    Happens with Unity 2022.3.10f1 and 2022.3.11f1. Happened to me after a failed Android build. And I am getting the infinite loop.

    Something is seriously wrong with Unity's pipeline if other people get this too on LATER versions of Unity.

  3. Sugarbear

    Aug 22, 2023 22:13

    Have same problem in Unity 2023.3.1

  4. yaromesky

    Jul 20, 2023 04:40

    Still present in Unity 2023.3.5f1

  5. XRA

    Jul 09, 2023 12:50

    also occurring in 2022.3.4f1 waste of time

  6. kvtvnx

    Jul 04, 2023 14:04

    When i trying to integrate wwise on project and open in unity, i have this loop. And what to do?

  7. Ariel_SneakyPanda

    Jun 21, 2023 09:16

    Also back for us, we can no longer work on this project.
    Unity 2022.3.2f1

  8. unity_28BFC32E9CD151753E6F

    Jun 21, 2023 08:52

    2022.3.2 - the issue is back .

  9. FaberVi

    Jun 01, 2023 10:01

    2022.3.0f1... The problem is still present.

  10. Nazdar

    Jun 22, 2021 19:32

    Confirmed. I'm still having this problem. It's very frustrating to lose my layout, and even more frustrating to find that the issue was marked resolved. How do we get attention back to this issue?

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