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When Android build platform is selected, editor unexpectedly attempts to enable "PC" VR SDK devices when play mode starts



To reproduce:
1. Open attached project;
2. Open Build Settings (Ctrl + Shift + B or File > Build Settings...);
3. Select PC, Mac & Linux Standalone Platform and go to Player Settings;
4. Enable VR and leave defaults (OpenVR and Oculus) as VR SDKs;
5. Select Android platform and go to Player Settings;
6. Enable VR and set Cardboard as VR SDK;
7. Switch build platform to Android and enter Play mode.

Expected result: Player attempts to load "Cardboard" device, then fails back to "None" device.
Actual result: Editor attempts to load "Cardboard" device, then unexpectedly attempts to load "OpenVR" device, and then "Oculus" device.

Reproduced on versions: 2017.2.1p3, 2017.2.2f1, 2017.3.1p3, 2018.1.0b10, 2018.2.0a3.
Not reproduced on versions: 2017.1.3p2, 2017.2.1p2.

  1. Resolution Note (2018.2.X):

    This use case was updated with guidance in our documentation.

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