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Fixed in 2.4.0



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Issue ID




[XR][Post Processing] Auto exposure affect only the left half of an eye when using VR

Package: PostProcessing


How to reproduce:
1. Open the "case1173575_ReproProject" Project
2. Open the "Scenes/SampleScene" Scene
3. Enter the Play Mode

Expected result: Auto Exposure affects the whole eye
Actual result: Auto Exposure affects only the left half of an eye(Video attached)

Reproducible with: 2019.1.14f1, 2019.2.1f1, 2019.3.0a11
Not Reproducible with: 2018.4.6f1

On 2019.1.0a11 and later the issue is reproducible with Post Processing package version versions:
2.1.0 - 2.1.7
Not reproducible with 2.0.17 - preview and earlier

Could not test on 2019.1 versions earlier than 2019.1.0a11 due to compiler errors

Comments (1)

  1. reification_bherrera

    Aug 08, 2019 01:25

    Open PostProcessing asset
    Under settings for Auto Exposure effect, Adaptation section
    If type is 'Fixed' set it to 'Progressive'
    Speed Up and Speed Down should be unchecked or less than 10

    Additional Repro Info:
    If you set Type to Progressive and Speed Up/Speed Down to 100 the issue appears to occur in the same way as when type is set to 'Fixed'

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