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[Visual Scripting] Input field highlighter is overlapping with Input field of its below the property in Visual Scripting

Package: Visual Scripting


The properties which have input fields and placed one below the other are so close that the highlighter is overlapping with the input field of other properties under Visual Scripting in Preferences

Steps to repro:
1. Create a New Project.
2. Unity > Preferences > Visual Scripting.
3. Select the 'Pan Speed' input field.

Actual Result:
Input field highlighter is overlapping with Input field of its below the property.

Expected Result:
Selected input field highlighter should be visible clearly.

Reproducible in:
2021.1.0b1 with 1.5.1 - pre 3

Occurring on macOS 10.15

Note: Visual Scripting has been introduced in 2021.1.0b1

  1. Resolution Note:

    Visual Scripting Preferences spacing has been adjusted to avoid overlaps

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