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Fixed in 1.3.1, 2.0.0-pre.3



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Issue ID




[VisionOS] Crash report causes crash on visionOS

Package: PolySpatial visionOS


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “Repro“ project
2. Build the project on “visionOS” platform (File > Build Settings > visionOS > Build)
3. Run the build on an Apple Vision Pro device or visionOS simulator
4. Stop the XCode build
5. Open the app from the device
6. Press the “Trigger Crash“ button
7. Run the app again
8. Press the “Trigger Bug“ button

Expected result: The app doesn’t crash
Actual result: The app crashes again

Reproducible with: 1.2.3 (2022.3.29f1) - User’s version

Reproducible on: MA using an Apple Vision Pro device (User’s platform)
Not reproducible on: MR on visionOS 1.1. Simulator

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