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Fixed in 2018.3.X

Fixed in 2018.2.X



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Issue ID




Windows VideoPlayer cannot play URL that starts with "file://" prefix



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open any new project
2. Set video player to run from URL
3. Set URL to an m4v video
4 It doesn't work
5. Switch to Video clip mode
6. Select same video
5. It works

Expected: It should work the same on either way, either don't play the videos or play them from VideoClip and URL as well
Actual: Video Clip mode supports m4v while the URL does not accept the video unless you rename the URL to filename.mp4 instead of filename.m4v

Reproduced on: 2018.1.0a6, 2017.3.0b11, 2017.2.0p4, 2017.1.2p3

Comments (4)

  1. toncho11

    Sep 07, 2018 19:25

    I have the same problem on Unity 2017.4.9 on Windows 10 64 bit.

    WindowsVideoMedia error 0x80070005 while reading

    Context: MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL
    Error details: Access is denied.

    Track types:

    I think the problem is with local file-system access.

  2. jacasch

    May 10, 2018 12:06

    also tried something else.
    this file:
    can be played back using the video player with the url
    but if i download the file and store i locally (desktop) i get the same error
    "VideoPlayer cannot play url: .. "

  3. jacasch

    May 10, 2018 10:18

    Error is
    VideoPlayer cannot play url : file://D:/DOKUMENTE/Work/Stop Motion Station/Stop_Motion_Clip_2018_0510_1208W32.mp4

  4. jacasch

    May 10, 2018 10:16

    same here with mp4 file.
    the file was encoded with ffmpeg
    y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -pixel_format rgba -colorspace bt709 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 23 -pix_fmt yuv420p
    the file plays back when in Video Clip mode

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