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[VFX] Specific mesh doesn't render if in the player if it's used within the VFX Graph

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Repro steps:
1. Open the attached project's ReproScene
2. Create a standalone build
3. Observe that all page meshes (both the regular ones and the VFX one) don't render
4. Remove the VFX from the scene and rebuild
5. Observe that the meshes show fine.

- enabling the mesh' Read/Write fixes the issue
- happens with lit/unlit particle mesh outputs and with a regular vfx mesh output
- not a regression, repros also on 2019.3.0b9 (Oct 25) and VFX 7.1.1 (Sept 13)

  1. Resolution Note:

    C++ fix, landed in 2020.2.0a4.564

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