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Fixed in 10.1.0

Fixed in 7.3.1, 8.2.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[VFX] [HDRP] Release build crashes when instantiating a lot of prefabs with VFX graph instances

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project ("")
2. Make a standalone (release) build and run it
3. Move around the scene for ~10s

Reproducible with: 2019.3.7f1, 2020.1.0b3, 2020.2.0a4
Couldn't test with: 2017.4 (package is not supported), 2018.4 (project breaking after downgrade)
Reproducible with package versions: 7.0.0, 8.0.1

1. The issue does not reproduce in Editor
2. The issue does not reproduce on Mac OS
3. The issue does not reproduce on Development builds

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 10.1.0):

    Fixed in VFX 10.1.0 which is available in 2020.2

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 8.2.0):

    Fixed in VFX Graph 8.2.0 which is available in 2020.1

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 7.3.1):

    Fixed in VFX Graph 7.3.1 which is available in 2019.4

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