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Fixed in 10.2.X



Found in [Package]

10.0.0 - preview.27

Issue ID




[VFX Graph][URP] Warning appears from VFX Graph mentioning degraded performance on mobile devices when building for Android

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new project and import Universal RP and Visual Effects Graph
2. Switch the Platform to Android
3. Build for Android

Expected result: a warning does not appear when building for Android
Actual result: a warning appears "Game scripts or other custom code contains OnMouse_ event handlers. Presence of such handlers might impact performance on handheld devices." when building for Android

Reproduces on: VFX Graph 4.10.0 - preview (2018.4.28f1), VFX Graph 7.3.1 (2019.4.12f1), VFX Graph 8.2.0 (2020.1.8f1), VFX Graph 10.0.0 - preview.27 (2020.2.0b6)

-The warning appears only when Visual Effect Graph is included, and goes away again if the package is removed
-Warning does not appear with Shader Graph

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 10.2):

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