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[VFX Graph] Can not create VFX Graph containing the same name when creating VFX using empty graph window
How to reproduce:
1. Create two new VFX graphs in Project Browser and open them
2. Delete 'New VFX 1' in order empty VFX Graph window to show up
3. Create new VFX using 'Create new Visual Effect Graph' button in empty VFX Graph window and name it 'New VFX' (same name as first created VFX)
4. Dialog window is going to pop up and ask whether you want to replace the VFX, press yes
Actual result: Errors are thrown to the console
Reproducible with: 2022.1.0a16
- Not reproducible on 2022.1.0a15 with one window, it is replaced successfully.
- Error messages:
InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] predicate) (at <51017e6a098e4b0aa38df61b862c5cd5>:0)
UnityEditor.VFX.UI.VFXViewWindow.GetWindowLambda (System.Func`2[T,TResult] func, System.Boolean createIfNeeded, System.Boolean show) (at C:/Users/vita.skruibyte/Documents/vfx-graphics/com.unity.visualeffectgraph/Editor/GraphView/VFXViewWindow.cs:87)
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This is a duplicate of issue #1382841