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[UWP] The attached project fails to pass WACK on Supported API test

Windows Store Apps


Reproduction steps:
1. Build the attached project to UWP
2. Create App package
3. Try to pass WACK
4. Fails on supported API test with following output:

Error Found: The supported APIs test detected the following errors:
API ExecuteAssembly in uwphost.dll is not supported for this application type. UIFresh.exe calls this API.
API DllGetActivationFactory in uwphost.dll is not supported for this application type. UIFresh.exe has an export that forwards to this API.
API OpenSemaphore in api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll is not supported for this application type. System.Threading.dll calls this API.
API CreateSemaphore in api-ms-win-core-kernel32-legacy-l1-1-0.dll is not supported for this application type. System.Threading.dll calls this API.

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