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Fixed in 2019.1.X



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[UWP] Input field's blinking cursor position can't be change on devices with touch input enabled

Steps to reproduce:
1. Download
2. Switch to UWP
3. Build project
4. Open the project in VS and deploy to device
5. On devise type any text in the input field
6. Try moving the text cursor to a different position

Expected results: input field's cursor can be moved to a different position
Actual results: input field's cursor stays at the end of a text

Reproduced with: 2018.2.0b1, 2018.1.0f1, 2017.4.1f1, 2017.2.2p3, 2017.1.3p3, 5.6.5p4

The InputField (both Unity or TextMesh Pro) will add a second newline when a return key is pressed

Tested and reproduced on Surface 3 with .NET and IL2CPP UWP builds

Note: To reproduce this issue touch input must be enabled on the device. Doesn't reproduce on the standalone build with touch input enabled.

Comments (2)

  1. Roywise

    Oct 31, 2018 07:51

    "Fixed in future release" doesn't really tell us much. We would like to know if we're able to ship it in our product or not.

  2. Bramverhoeven2

    May 18, 2018 10:07

    We got the same issue. Severity is set on 3, workaround is possible. What is the workaround for this? It is no option for us to turn off the touch input.

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