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Using normal maps with reflection probes in WebGL can cause visual noise-like artifacts



Repro steps:
1. Open user-submitted project
2. Open WebGLTest scene
3. Go to Build Settings, switch platform to WebGL and click Build
4. Open created index.html and move around using mouse and W/A/S/D keys
5. Observe visual noise-like artefacts on yellow cube.
6. Go back to Unity and play scene. Observe difference between WebGL version and Editor version

Expected: WebGL version to match Editor version.

- Seems to be more prevalent with noisier normal maps, such as the one provided by user (normal maps with larger shapes and less detail variation display smoother with less artefacts).
- Disabling either the normal map or the light probe and lowering reflection intensity to 0 removes the noise.
- Screenshots attached.
- Tested in Unity 5.3.0f4 on MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015).

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