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[URP] Terrain shadow caster pass doesnt match forward pass leading to severe artefacts

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


Shadow artefacts appeared in teh Boat Attack project, these seem to originate from the shader Terrain/Lit (Base Pass) shadow caster and certain patches(maybe non-instanced ones) render with the incorrect heightmap, this leads to the shadow map having disparities from the rendered scene causing massive self shadowing and artefacts.

Repo Steps:
1. Clone master branch of Boat Attack repo -
2. Import local version of URP 11
3. Look around the same area that is in the attatched video

Expected Results: The should be no visual artefacts and the shadowmap should render the terrain correctly
Actual Results: The terrain in the shadowmap is broken and causes shadow rendering artefacts

Note: Might only happen on terrain patches that are not part of an instanced group(see image)

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