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Fixed in 2021.3.15f1



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[URP][Quest] URP specular precision artifacts on curved surfaces



Reproduction steps
1. Open the attached user's project ""
2. Open "SpecularPrecisionTest.unity" Scene
3. Set the build target to Windows/Mac standalone
4. Observe that there are 3 categories of surface type (flat, normal map curved, and vertex normal curved) and 2 different smoothness levels (1.0 and 0.8) for each category for a total of 6 test cases. All look correct in editor. (See URP_SpecularTest_Editor.png)
5. Set the build target to Android and build for Quest 2
6. Observe how there are precision artifacts on the specular highlights for the normal map curved and vertex normal curved test cases. (See URP_SpecularTest_Quest2Build.png)

Expected: there are no precision artifacts on the specular highlights for the normal map curved and vertex normal curved test cases
Actual: there are precision artifacts on the specular highlights for the normal map curved and vertex normal curved test cases

Reproducible on: URP 12.1.8 - 15.0.1 (2020.3.39f1, 2021.3.13f1, 2022.2.0b16, 2023.1.0a20)
Not reproducible on: URP 12.1.8 - 15.0.1 (2020.3.41f1, 2021.3.15f1, 2022.2.1f1, 2023.1.0a23)

Reproducible on these devices:
VLNQA00415 - Oculus Quest 2 (Quest 2), CPU: Snapdragon XR2, GPU: Adreno 650, OS: 10

-According to the customer, this is due to TransformTangentToWorld using real instead of float or half explicitly. On android real uses half, and on desktop real uses float. However, the customer needs 32 bit precision on both. An alternative would be to remove use of real and provide 2 versions of the function using both half and float

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