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[URP] [2D] [2D Lights] Sprite Light 2D will not illuminate sprites after reloading scene or entering Play Mode

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


[URP] [2D] [2D Lights] Sprite Light 2D will not illuminate sprites after reloading scene or entering Play Mode

If the user positions a Sprite Light 2D in the illuminating range of a Sprite object, initially the user will see the sprite illuminated as expected. Upon entering Play Mode or reloading the scene, the Sprite Light 2D will no longer illuminate nearby sprites.

Please see attached video capture for demonstration.

Steps to reproduce:
- Create a 2D new project with Unity 2019.3b+, configuring it for use with URP
- Create a new scene
- Add a 2D Sprite object to the scene
- Add a Sprite Light 2D to the scene and position it within range of the sprite
- Observe the sprite appears illuminated
- Press the Play button to enter Play Mode
- Observe the sprite is no longer lit as expected

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is because you are using a perspective camera. The 2D lights are designed for orthographic cameras only, so weird artifacts may appear if you use them with a perspective camera. We may choose to properly support perspective cameras in the future, but for now we'll resolve this case as By Design.

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