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Unknown error occurs when trying to load metadata from library folder while opening scene



To reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Open "Main Level" Scene
3. See console for the error

Actual result: The unknown error appears in the console when the scene is being opened
Expected result: The error should not appear.

Reproduced in: 2018.3.0a1; 2018.3.7f1; 2019.1.0b5; 2019.2.0a7
Not reproducable: 2017.4.22f1; 2018.2.21f1
Error: Unknown error occurred while loading 'library/metadata/bc/bca486a8e024e0d41829d0ac7c8e2cc5'.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

2018.2. gives error: MethodAccessException: Method `UnityEditor.Analytics.AnalyticsSettings:get_enabledForPlatform ()' is inaccessible from method `UnityEditor.Analytics.AnalyticsImporter:<AnalyticsImporter>m__6 (UnityEditor.BuildTarget,System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1<string>)'

Note: similar to this case but not collab:

Comments (2)

  1. MatthewCSeriousLabs

    Aug 20, 2019 17:58

    Upon inspecting the metadata folder, it appears that the offending entries are empty files.

  2. MatthewCSeriousLabs

    Aug 20, 2019 17:12

    I'm also running into this problem on our build machines. Excerpt from our logs:
    "[10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] Hashing assets (30 files)... 0.013 seconds
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] file read: 0.004 seconds (8.997 MB)
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] wait for write: 0.001 seconds (I/O thread blocked by consumer, aka CPU bound)
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] wait for read: 0.001 seconds (CPUT thread waiting for I/O thread, aka disk bound)
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] hash: 0.012 seconds
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] Updating Assets/Prefabs/Scenario/StandardPenalties_prefab.prefab - GUID: 1bcc5ec0a977a534ea3a1c78db8e6e2c...
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] Unknown error occurred while loading 'library/metadata/f7/f70ef48133e15cb4990550b8ac926f4f'.
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 221)
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] done. [Time: 1165.712585 ms]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] Updating Assets/Prefabs/Scenario/StandardPenaltiesRTFL_prefab.prefab - GUID: 549036fd0105a144a9f93ab1cf1d8b4e...
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] Unknown error occurred while loading 'library/metadata/f6/f68e8299723faeb4a97f60121fc42b64'.
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 221)
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] done. [Time: 138.978142 ms]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] Updating Assets/Prefabs/Simulation/RTFLScenarioCommon_prefab.prefab - GUID: aab04b72f549a824da0c6fb30bd843d9...
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] done. [Time: 394.726712 ms]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] Updating Assets/Scenes/Environments/Environment_Prefabs/Scenario-Truss.prefab - GUID: 0e3b51caa9fcb094da17838cf00b3435...
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8] Unknown error occurred while loading 'library/metadata/f6/f6c06de503a9bba4c8bc33810bf368dc'.
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]
    [10:35:06] : [Step 3/8]"

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