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UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip throws a 404 error if there is a "#" inside the given path



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open "WebRequestMultimedia" project
2. Go into play mode

Expected result: both paths should return the audio file and status code 200
Current result: path with symbol "#" returns status code 404

Reproduced on: 2018.3.2f1, 2019.1.0a14, 2019.2.0a1

  1. Resolution Note:

    The URIs in repro project are invalid and # is a special character in URI, so it has to be escaped if it's part of the path.
    URI has to be file://{path with forward slashes}.
    # character in URI separates fragment part (on the right) from the rest. If you want to access path containing #, you have to repsce it with %23 instead.
    You can also try to pass the file system path to an Uri class constructor and take the value of AbsoluteUri property, maybe that will give you the correct file URI (haven't tried). Note, that UnityWebRequest accepts Uri instances too.

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