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Unity Editor freezes when attempting to open scene with TextMesh Pro AssetPack

To reproduce:
1. Download attached project;
2. Open "Release" scene;

Expected result: Project scene loads normally with TextMesh Pro asset.
Actual result: Unity freezes when asset pack is imported in the project.

Reproduced in: 5.4.4f1; 5.5.1f1; 5.5.1p1; 5.6.0b5;

Note: If you delete Example folder from TextMesh Pro Asset Pack, unity doesn't freeze and scene loads, but have error:
Assets/BallFollowCamera.cs(5,13): error CS0234: The type or namespace name `Examples' does not exist in the namespace `TMPro'. Are you missing an assembly reference?

  1. This is a duplicate of issue #857117

    Asset Corruption when changing build target locks up Unity

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