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Fixed in 5.2.1



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Unity crashes when AnimatorOverrideController is added to the character



1. Create a new project
2. Import "characters" package from standard assets
3. Add "Characters/ThirdPersonCharacter/Models/Ethan.fbx" object to the scene
4. Create Animator Override Controller
5. Click on "Ethan" in hierarchy tab
6. Drag and drop new controller to the "Controller" box of "Ethan"
7. Unity crashes

Note: Crash occurs with other characters too

Comments (3)

  1. Miiirage

    Feb 24, 2016 14:52

    Still happens in 5.3, unfortunately.

  2. NSXboxDev

    Oct 29, 2015 22:12

    Still happening in 5.2.1p3. My AnimatorOverrideController has 294 animations in it, which is my best guess for why this is happening to us now and wasn't before.

    This also seems to affect the player (Xbox One player in my case) wherein the game hangs and gives the following error when Instantiating an object with an Animator with this same AnimatorOverrideController attached to it:

    ndex < m_size
    UnityEngine.Object:INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_InstantiateSingle(Object, Vector3&, Quaternion&)
    UnityEngine.Object:Internal_InstantiateSingle(Object, Vector3, Quaternion)
    UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion)
    StaticScriptCommands:SpawnCharacter(String, Transform) (at C:\Users\bryan_000\Projects\Oxenfree\Assets\NightTools\Scripts\NightScript\StaticScriptCommands\StaticScriptCommands_Character.cs:66)

    I have submitted a new bug with more specific details.

  3. michael-v

    Sep 21, 2015 13:11

    Still happening in 5.2.0p1

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