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Undo makes a sliders fill area disappear until slider values change



Reproduction steps:

1. Open "1132208" project
2. Select "Fill"
3. Set "Rect Transform" -> "Left"(-7.5) to '0'
4. Undo
5. Notice that the fill isn't rendering
6. Select "HealthSlider" and move the Sliders Value
7. Notice that the fill started to render

Expected Result: Undo doesn't make the slider fill not render/ Resets to values which would not display the fill
Actual Result: Slider fill isn't rendered/ Resets to values which don't display the fill

Reproduced with: 2019.2.0a8, 2019.1.0b6, 2018.3.8f1, 2017.4.23f1

  1. Resolution Note (2019.2.X):

    low priority and minor or cosmetic issues. likely won't fix.

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