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[macOS]Unable to remove connections using right click

Package: Visual Scripting Bugs


You are unable to disconnect node connections using right-click (Rohit Note: Right clicking specifically on the end-port of the connection). When I right-click to remove a connection, the connection turns red and the disconnect does not happen. 

In order to disconnect a node from another node you need to left-click, so that you are moving the connection, then right-click. The connection is now dropped but it's very awkward. 

Steps to reproduce
* Open [this project|] in 2020.1.0f1 (This also happens in 2019.4.4f1) 
* Open the "New Bolt Class" graph
* Try and disconnect any nodes using right-click

Notice issue >> You are unable to disconnect the nodes. 

Tested Broken: macOS, Unity 2019.4.0f1, 2020.1.0f1, Bolt 2.0.0a13, 2.0.0a10

  1. Resolution Note:

    Bolt 2 will not be released as its own product. See for details.

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