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Unable to find style warnings logged in Console when toggling "Color Blind Mode" whilst profiling for Play Mode



How to reproduce:
1. Open up any project
2. Open up the Profiler by navigating to Window > Analysis > Profiler
3. Make sure that the Profiler is set to profile "Playmode" and enter Play Mode in the Editor
4. Toggle "Color Blind Mode" from the kebab menu on the upper right corner of the Profiler

Actual result: "Unable to find style" warnings are logged in Console
Expected result: Toggling "Color Blind Mode" doesn't log any warnings

Reproducible with: 2020.3.34f1, 2021.3.4f1, 2022.1.3f1, 2022.2.0a16
Not reproducible with: 2019.4.39f1

Reproduced on: Windows 11

Warnings logged:
Unable to find style 'OL Box' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'AnimationEventTooltip' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'AnimationEventTooltipArrow' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'ProfilerTimelineBar' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'ProfilerTimelineLeftPane' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'ProfilerRightPane' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'ProfilerTimelineFoldout' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'ProfilerGraphBackground' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'AnimationTimelineTick' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'RectangleToolSelection' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'TimeAreaToolbar' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'ProfilerTimelineDigDownArrow' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'ProfilerTimelineRollUpArrow' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>
Unable to find style 'BottomShadowInwards' in skin 'GameSkin' <called outside OnGUI>

  1. Resolution Note:

    This issue will not be fixed for the following reasons:

    - Profiler Window UI must be migrated to UIToolkit in the near future. This issue exists within the legacy IMGUI-based UI implementation, so it will be addressed in the future refactor.
    - It is a low user-pain issue which does not break functionality, is rarely encountered by most users, and affected users can work around it (by exiting play mode before toggling).

    Whilst we would love to fix every issue, we must spend our limited time wisely and fix the most high-priority/high-user-pain issues for our users.

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