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Build Profiles - Feature Request: Editor restart button would improve the user experience



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Create a new project
# Go to "File" ->"Build Profiles"
# Select any platform, which is not added;
# Click the "Install with Unity HUB" button;
# Execute an installation;
# Return to the "Build Profiles" window;
# Observe the UI.

*Actual results:* A user sees a note, which informs that restart is needed. That is all. An attachment is added below.

*Expected results:* The possibility of restarting from the window would help a lot.

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.8f1

*Not reproducible with versions:* -

*Can’t test with versions:* -

*Tested on (OS):* macOS


  1. Resolution Note:

    This is not a bug but we will add this to our product board and review it next time we are assessing new features.

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