Search Issue Tracker

Fixed in 1.0.0-preview.7



Found in [Package]

1.0.0-preview.3,Preview- 0.11.2, Preview 0.8.4, Preview 0.8.2

Issue ID




[UI Toolkit] InvalidOperationException on assigning any image to Image property in UI Tooltip Inspector

Package: UI Builder


On assigning any image to Image property under the Background in UI Tooltip Inspector Editor throw InvalidOperationException error, refer the attached video.

Steps to repro:
1. Open attached project ""
2. Project > test.uxml > Dubble Click
3. UI Builder > Hierarchy > Label > Inspector > Image > assiged any Image

Actual Result:
InvalidOperationException on assigning any image to Image property in UI Tooltip Inspector

Expected Result:
No error in the console

Reproducible in:
2020.2.0a18, 2020.1.0f1 with Package Version 1.0.0-preview.3.
2019.2.14f1 with Package Version Preview- 0.11.2, Preview 0.8.4, Preview 0.8.2

Working fine on:
2019.2.14f1,2019.2.0a1 with Package Version Preview 0.8.1

Windows 10 & Mac 10.14.

Stack Trace
InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
Unity.UI.Builder.BuilderInspectorStyleFields.OnFieldObjectValueChange (UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler target, UnityEngine.Object newValue, UnityEngine.Object previousValue, System.String styleName) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.ui.builder@1.0.0-preview.3/editor/builder/inspector/builderinspectorstylefields.cs:1667)
Unity.UI.Builder.BuilderInspectorStyleFields.OnFieldValueChangeImpl (UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler target, UnityEngine.Object newValue, UnityEngine.Object previousValue, System.String styleName) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.ui.builder@1.0.0-preview.3/editor/builder/inspector/builderinspectorstylefields.cs:1645)
Unity.UI.Builder.BuilderInspectorStyleFields.OnFieldValueChange (UnityEngine.UIElements.ChangeEvent`1[T] e, System.String styleName) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.ui.builder@1.0.0-preview.3/editor/builder/inspector/builderinspectorstylefields.cs:1633)
Unity.UI.Builder.BuilderInspectorStyleFields+<>c__DisplayClass28_0.<BindStyleField>b__12 (UnityEngine.UIElements.ChangeEvent`1[T] e) (at library/packagecache/com.unity.ui.builder@1.0.0-preview.3/editor/builder/inspector/builderinspectorstylefields.cs:193)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.0.0-preview.7):

    What was fixed was the null reference exception itself, not being able to assign built-in images to styles in the UI Builder. Please note that this bug was not for "any image", just images that come from Unity Editor's internal built-in resources. This is still not possible (and there has always been a clear message appear when the user tries to do this), but in 1.0.0-preview.7, we fixed the null references error in the Console which was not supposed to be fired in this case.

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