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Fixed in 2017.2.0f3



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UI elements are not rendered until a new UI element is added



To reproduce:

1. Open the project, attached by the user (Star
2. Open the "UI BUG" scene
3. In the Hierarchy, expand Game HUD -> Action Panel
4. Enable any one of the disabled children of Action Panel game object -> no buttons or other controls are rendered
5. Add new UI Button to the game object enabled in 4
6. Buttons are now rendered correctly

Expected: UI elements are rendered when the parent game object is enabled
Actual: UI elements are not rendered until some other UI element is added

Reproduced in 2017.2.0b2
Could not reproduce in any other version, because the project simply doesn't open

Comments (1)

  1. MCrafterzz

    Jul 31, 2017 16:38

    I have a similar issue in 2017.2b3 so it's not only in b2.

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