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Jerky/unresponsive scrolling in a ScrollView area with buttons



- Open attached project
- Open "SimpleView" scene
- Hit play
- Try to drag vertically down on the top most button (press on the top button and drag the mouse down)
- Observe the scrollview doesn't scroll
- Try to drag vertically down from the bottom area of the "panel" (with the white background but no buttons)
- Observe that scrolling is working perfectly
- Try to drag vertically down from the top most button
- Observe that the scroll position jumps to a different position as soon as the drag starts

Comments (3)

  1. Wurstbeschleuniger

    Jul 12, 2018 20:16

    This is still the same in Unity 2018.1 ... As soon as you add a UI Button (because Unity is lacking a List component) to a ScrollView, Scrollbars break.

  2. RyanMartin

    Jan 31, 2018 17:43

    I found that there is a BIG improvement when disabling "Raycast Target" checkbox for things that don't need any raycasting. That includes background images, text, etc. Make sure only the things that need user input have that box checked. (Buttons, scrollviews, sliders...)

  3. Naphier

    May 20, 2015 08:35

    It appears scroll view is still blocked by child ui elements. This is really painful!
    Scroll rect needs to intercept events first, not after.
    There's a hack here:
    But that is far from ideal.
    I wish Unity would address this. You can't even use the mouse wheel to scroll a view because the children will end up under the mouse and block scrolling!

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