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Two errors are thrown in the Console window when creating a new HDRP template project

Package: SRP HD Template


How to reproduce:
1. Create and open a new HDRP template project
2. Observe the Console window

Expected result: no errors are thrown
Actual result: two errors are thrown

Reproducible with: 2019.3.8f1, 2019.3.9f1 (7.3.1), 2020.1.0b2, 2020.1.0b5, 2020.2.0a7 (8.0.1)
Not reproducible with: 2018.4.21f1 (4.1.0 - preview), 2019.3.7f1 (7.3.1), 2020.1.0b1 (8.0.1)
Could not test with: 2017.4.39f1, 2020.2.0a1 (HDRP template not available)

Thrown errors:
1) GetLoadedImportedAssetsAndArtifactIDs called with invalid artifactID
2) Assertion failed on expression: 'it->second.IsValid()'

  1. Resolution Note:

    Fixed in 2020.2.0a8

  2. Resolution Note:

    Fixed in 2020.1.0b10

  3. Resolution Note:

    Fixed in 2019.3.14f1

Comments (6)

  1. Unrighteouss

    Nov 25, 2023 04:17

    This is occurring in new 2D Core projects for Unity 2020.3.48f1.

    I've been creating projects using this version for a while, and these errors are new.

    A workaround is to delete the library folder and re-open the project; the errors no longer appear.

  2. xT1TANx

    Nov 16, 2022 00:02

    GetLoadedImportedAssetsAndArtifactIDs called with invalid artifactID for guid {} for asset {}

    2022.1.22F1 MAC

  3. Vaupell

    Oct 12, 2022 20:59

    found in 2022.1.20f1

  4. huulong

    Jul 26, 2022 14:55

    Still present on 2022.1.10f1, Core RP Library / High Definition RP and Universal RP v13.1.8 on Linux, at least during build.

  5. uholst

    Apr 13, 2022 13:33

    I also have the version 2020.3.32f1 and have this problem. And cannot open any already existing project.

  6. Faris_RA

    Apr 05, 2022 03:28

    still experiencing this in 2020.3.32f1.
    also cannot open any project at all.

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