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TTF fonts don't reimport automatically if upgraded to 5.5/5.6

Graphics - General


Reproductions Steps:
1. Import the attached project "FontTransfer" into Unity 5.4.3p3.
2. Open "Test" scene.
3. Click on "case_857157-arial" font in Assets.
4. Observe the Inspector.
5. Repeat 1-4 steps in 5.5.0p3.

Expected result: TFF font reuploads automatically.
Actual result: TFF throws out warning "Format of selected font is not supported by Unity."

Note: The only way to workaround is to Reimport them manually.

Reproduced with: 5.5.0p3, 5.6.0b3.
Not reproduced with: 5.4.3p3, 5.3.7p2, 5.2.5f1.

Comments (1)

  1. n__m

    Feb 12, 2017 00:46

    Had the same issue upgrading a project from 5.4 to 5.6.0b7 however I discovered an alternate fix which was to rename the font assets.

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