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Fixed in 2019.3.X



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Issue ID




Touch.Radius is always 0 when using Windows touch screen



How To Reproduce:
1. Open the "SampleScene" in the attached "" Project on a Windows device with a touch screen
2. Enter Play Mode
3. Try to touch somewhere on the Game View
4. Observe the Console

Expected behavior: Valid touch radius is shown in the console
Actual behavior: Touch radius is always shown as 0

Reproducible with: 2017.4.19f1, 2018.3.2f1, 2019.1.0b1, 2019.2.0a2

Note: Tested on the Windows OS device Surface Pro. Touch.RadiusVariance behaves the same as Touch.Radius.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.3):

    Touch.Radius hadn't been implemented since many Windows touch devices doen't seem to support it.

    The Surface line of devices does support this API, and so it will now return non-zero values for both the Editor and Standalone player when running on a 'Surface'. However, for other touch-enabled devices, it may still return 0.

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