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Issue ID
Timeline Audio out of sync in PlayMode and Player
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project "" and scene "Blockout"
2. In Hierarchy window, select the "Timeline" GameObject
3. In Timeline window, observe that the Audio and visual tracks are in-sync
4. Enter Play Mode
5. In Game View, observe Audio and visual sync
Expected result: The Audio and Visuals are in-sync
Actual result: The Audio begins playing 1-3 seconds early
Reproducible with: 1.6.5 (2021.3.32f1), 1.7.6 (2022.3.13f1), 1.8.6 (2023.1.20f1, 2023.2.0f1, 2023.3.0a14)
Tested on: Windows 10
1. A workaround to get them in-sync is to pause Play Mode as soon as the Audio starts playing, and unpause it once the visuals have loaded in.
2. This issue also reproduces in a built Player. The workaround is to tab out of the Player once the audio starts playing, and tab back in. They then become in-sync.
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Resolution Note:
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Unfortunately, after careful consideration, we will not be addressing your issue at this time, as we are currently committed to resolving other higher-priority issues, as well as delivering the new animation system. Our priority levels are determined by factors such as the severity and frequency of an issue and the number of users affected by it. However, we know each case is different, so please continue to log any issues you find, as well as provide any general feedback on our roadmap page to help us prioritize.
Forum announcement:
The Playable Director has an option to use the Audio clock (DSP clock) and that will fix the issue and have the most accurate audio-visual sync.