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Tile Palette takes significantly longer to open when opening for the first time



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the “TilePaletteLoad“ project
2. If Tile Palette is open, close it and reopen the project
3. Open Tile Palette

Expected result: Tile Palette opens quickly
Actual result: Tile Palette takes a significant amount of time to open (e.g. 30 seconds)

Reproduced in: 2021.3.5f1
Could not test in: 2020.3.46f1, 2022.2.9f1, 2023.1.0b7, 2023.2.0a5 (no reproducible machine)

Reproduced using: Windows 10 (Ryzen 5 3600, GTX 1660 SUPER, 32 GB) (by the reporter)
Not reproduced using: macOS 13.0.1 (i9-9980HK, Radeon Pro 5500M, 32 GB), Windows 11 (i5-12600KF, RTX 3060 Ti, 32 GB)

Note: the reporter also notes that when Tile Palette is open it takes ~30 extra seconds to open the project, and sometimes it also takes ~30 extra seconds to enter Play Mode

  1. Resolution Note:

    Fixed by another internal issue: UUM-26849: Tile palette window repaint is extremely slow

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