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The Shader is rendered more brightly when returning the shader's color of half the brightest value



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “Test Project” project
2. Open the “Scenes/SampleScene” Scene
3. Open the “Scenes/TooBrightBugShader” Shader
4. Make sure in the Shader “SV_Target” returns “0.5”
5. Select “BUG: COLOR PICKER 188, 188, 188” GO in the Hierarchy window
6. Under the “Image” component select “Color” input
7. Change the color by pressing the “Pick a color from a scene” button and selecting “Sphere” GO in the Game View
8. Observe the “Color” input’s R, G, and B values

Expected result: The “Color” input’s R, G, and B values are “128”
Actual result: The “Color” input’s R, G, and B values are set to “188”

Reproducible with: 2021.3.27f1, 2022.3.2f1, 2023.1.1f1, 2023.2.0a20

Reproducible on: Windows 10

- By changing “SV_Target” in step 4 to return “0”, then all R, G, and B values are “0”. In the same way, changing return to “1”, the ann R, G, B values are “255”

  1. Resolution Note:

    The issue here is that the repro shader is a built-in pipeline shader being used with URP. The 0.5 values are converted from linear space to sRGB space where they have a value of 0.735357 (or so). You will find if you create either an Unlit ShaderGraph (with accompanying material) or a material based on the URP Unlit shader, the sphere will render darker and the picked color will be as expected.

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