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Fixed in 1.9.2



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




The second input device controls both inputs when functionality is created using Visual Scripting Graph

Package: Visual Scripting


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “Input System“ project
2. Open the “SampleScene” scene
3. Enter Play mode and click on the Game window to generate the “Player(Clone)“ GameObject
4. Connect the Controller and press down on its left stick to generate the second “Player(Clone)“ GameObject
5. Move the left stick to the sides and observe the Device name of the Player Input Component and Move coordinates of the Variables Component of both “Player(Clone)“ GameObjects

Expected result: Move coordinates are controlled by a device that is specified in Player Input Component
Actual result: Move coordinates of both “Player(Clone)“ GameObjects are only controlled by the second connected device

Reproducible with: 1.8.0 (2021.3.27f1, 2022.3.3f1, 2023.1.1f1, 2023.2.0a20)
Couldn’t test with: 1.7.8 (2023.1.0a23), 1.8.0-pre.1 (2023.1.0a23) (Missing scripts)

Reproduced on: macOS Ventura 13.3.1 (Intel), Windows 11 (by the reporter)

- The user noted that the issue is not reproducible in the embedded graph
- Could not test in Player due to being unable to log the Device name and Move coordinates together to distinguish which Input is being controlled

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