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Under Consideration for 3.8.X



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




The MODIFIED field shows the previous timestamp of when the project was opened when opening the project and restarting Unity Hub

Package: Hub


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the Unity Hub 3.8.0
2. Add an older project that is on another drive than Hub
3. Observe the timestamp in the MODIFIED field for the added project
4. Open the project
5. Observe that the MODIFIED field gets updated to “a few seconds ago”
6. Quit Unity Hub from the tray icon
7. Open Unity Hub
8. Observe the MODIFIED field

Expected result: The current timestamp of “a few seconds ago” is present
Actual result: The previous timestamp is present

Reproducible with: 3.8.0

Reproducible on:
Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2
Windows 11 (user reported)

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