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Under Consideration for 2022.3.X



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[AsyncLoadInEditor][StreamingInEditor] The Material Variant is rendered blurry after reopening Unity when the Mipmap Streaming is enabled



How to reproduce:
1. Open the “MaterialVariantTextureStreaming“ project
2. Open the “TestScene“
3. Expand the “Cliff_03_Prefab > Cliff_03_Mesh“ GameObject
4. Select the “Cliff_03_LOD2“, “Cliff_03_LOD1“, “Cliff_03_LOD20“ GameObjects
5. In the Mesh Renderer Component under Materials set “Element 0“ to “VariantTest“ material
6. Save and reopen Unity
7. Observe the Scene view

Expected result: The “Cliff_03_Prefab“ does not get blurry or loose sharpness
Actual result: The “Cliff_03_Prefab“ gets blurry or loses sharpness

Reproducible with: 2022.3.32f1, 6000.0.5f1
Could not test: 2021.3.39f1 (Could not resolve the URP error in the console, the “VariantTest“ material got changed)

Reproducible on: macOS 13.5.2 (Intel)
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

- If you repeat the reproduction steps with the “Cliff_02_Mat“ the “Cliff_03_Prefab” retains its sharpness, and after changing it back to the “VariantTest“ material it will work as expected until the next reopening of Unity
- Might need to click on one of the “Cliff_03_LOD2“, “Cliff_03_LOD1“, “Cliff_03_LOD20“ for the change to take place after changing the material and reopening Unity
- Not reproducible in the Player

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