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Intensity of decoded directional lightmap vs. realtime light on a normal map do not match



Using real time lighting mode, quad with sphere normal map look the same as the sphere. Changing light angle, quad is properly updated, but using baked lighting mode with baked lighting the quad looks very different from the sphere.

To reproduce:
1. Open users attached project ""
2. Open "Scene.unity" scene
3. Observe in the game view as quad with sphere normal map looks basically the same as the sphere it self
4. Select Directional Light from the hierarchy
5. In Mode select Baked
6. Bake the lighting
7. Observe the game window

Expected result: quad and sphere looks similar
Actual result: quad and sphere looks different as the quad does not have any shadows like the sphere has

Reproduced with: 5.5.4p2 5.6.2p4 2017.1.0f3 2017.1.0p1 2017.2.0b4 2017.3.0a1

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