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Under Consideration for 1.22.X



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Issue ID




The image from the atlas which is used by a prefab is missing when sprites are added the the atlas and a content update is performed

Package: Addressables


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "ReproProj"
2. Open the “/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene
3. In File Explorer, create a new folder outside the project’s folder
5. Rename the folder to “temp”
6. Move “/Assets/Battle/FightUI/Bar_BpBg.png“ and “Assets/Battle/FightUI/Bar_BpBg.png.meta“ to the “temp“ folder
7. In the Project window, right-click the “FightUI“ folder and select “Reimport”
8. Open the Addressable Groups window (Window > Asset Management > Addressable Groups)
9. In the Play Mode Script drop-down select “Use Existing Build”
10. Click Build > New Build > Default Build Script
11. Enter the Play Mode
12. Click the Button with the text “Button“
13. Observe the image’s appearance
14. Exit the Play Mode
15. Move “Bar_Bpbg.png” and “Bar_BpBg.png.meta” back to the “/Assets/Battle/FightUI” directory
16. Go to “\IN-89861_TestAddrUpdate (1) - Copy\Library\com.unity.addressables\aa\Windows“
17. Move “StandaloneWindows64” folder to the previously created “temp“ folder
18. In Editor, right-click the “/Assets/Battle/FightUI“ and click “Reimport”
19. In Addressable Groups, click Build > Update a Previous Build
20. Repeat step 16
21. Delete “StandaloneWindows64” folder
22. Move “StandaloneWindows64” folder to “\IN-89861_TestAddrUpdate (1) - Copy\Library\com.unity.addressables\aa\Windows“
23. Repeat steps 11 and 12

Expected result: Previously seen image appears
Actual result: A white square appears

Reproducible with: 1.22.3 (2022.3.47f1)
Could not test with: 1.22.3 (2022.3.55f1), 2.3.7 (6000.0.33f1, 6000.1.0a10) (System.UriFormatException: Invalid path '[http://PrivateIpAddress:HostingServicePort/catalog_0.1.hash'|http://PrivateIpAddress:HostingServicePort/catalog_0.1.hash'] ---> System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: Invalid port specified.)

Reproducible on:
Play Mode

Testing environment: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2, macOS 15.1.1 24B91 Darwin 24.1.0
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- To reproduce the issue it might be required to disconnect from the VPN or select the correct Hosting Service Variable in Remote.LoadPath
- CQA could not test with the latest LTS versions due to the Editor specifying incorrect PrivateIpAdress or HostingServicePort, which was changeable in 2022.3.47f1
- CQA was only able to test the issue with the Editor version that the user reported

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