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The display target does not change when using ChangeDisplayAsync with a 4k monitor and another with a different resolution and a Portrait mode



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "ReproProj"
2. Open the “/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene
3. Connect a 4k monitor and another with a different resolution and a Portrait mode
4. Build and Run
5. In Player, press “F3“
6. Select a different display for the Display option

Expected result: The Player is rendered on another monitor
Actual result: The Player fails to change the target display

Reproducible with: 2022.3.34f1, 6000.0.7f1
Could not test with: 2021.3.39f1 (Assets\DisplayHelper-main\Runtime\Helper.cs(83,85): error CS1061: 'Resolution' does not contain a definition for 'refreshRateRatio' and no accessible extension method 'refreshRateRatio' accepting a first argument of type 'Resolution' could be found)

Reproducible on:
Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2 (LG C24G1 Portrait and HP Z27k G3 Landscape)

Testing environment: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- If both monitors are the same, not reproducible
- If both monitors are under 4k but have different sizes, not reproducible
- If monitors have different resolutions and one of them is 4k, reproducible

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