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[TextMeshPro] Wrapping resets to disabled when saving or playing a scene

Package: TextMeshPro


To reproduce:
1) Open the attached project and scene
2) Select "Text" object in Hierarchy
3) Change Wrapping to Enabled
4) Either save the scene or play and stop it

Expected: The changed setting sticks
Actual: It reverts back to disabled

Reproduced in 1.4.0-preview.1b, 2.1.0-preview.1
Not reproduced in 1.3.0

Tested with 2019.2.0a1 and 2020.1.0a11

  1. Resolution Note:

    This behavior is by design as the child Placeholder and Text objects are controlled by the parent InputField object.

    For instance, if the Line type is set to Single Line, then wrapping is disabled. If the Line type is set to Multi Line Newline then wrapping is enabled.

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