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Fixed in 2022.3.14f1, 2023.3.0a15, 7000.0.0a1



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Issue ID




Text in the Profiler events disappears before the event reaches the bottom of the window when changing the height of the Module details pane



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Enter Play Mode
3. Open the Profiler window and select a frame
4. Choose “Timeline” in the details pane dropdown
5. Change the details pane height and observe the text in Profiler events

Expected result: Text doesn’t disappear before it reaches the bottom of the window
Actual result: Text disappears before it reaches the bottom of the window

Reproducible with: 2021.3.3f1, 2022.3.10f1, 2023.1.16f1, 2023.2.0b12, 2023.3.0a8

Reproduced on: macOS 13.5.2 (Intel)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 7000.0.0a1):

    Text no longer disappears before reaching the bottom of the window now

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2023.3.0a15):

    Fixed in: 2023.3.0a15

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 2022.3.14f1):

    Fixed in: 2022.3.14f1

Comments (1)

  1. oscarlunakate

    Oct 10, 2023 09:41

    I never believed this could ever happen to me. I have been married for 22 years and I have been the most faithful, supportive, and understanding wife and mother to my family and ex. I invested all my life in the only person whom I thought was my soulmate for 22 years. I wouldn't have known I was living with a monster till recently when he presented to one of his female staff a new ride for her birthday, that's the moment I began noticing what I was ignoring. As time went on, the suspicion kept growing, I didn't want to die in silence. I surfed for the best hacker on the internet, and Google suggested Cyber Genie's Hack Pro. I can recall the moment when I was surfing my partner's phone remotely with a ghost device, the tears that ran down my eyes. I would have lived all my life as a fool being cheated on if not for the help of Cyber Genie. Don't be too trustful like me, it's okay to sometimes check your partner's devices even if you don't doubt their loyalty. This team of the best hackers can be reached via their webpage.
    https: // cybergeniehackpro. x y z/
    whatsapp (+12-52)(51-2)(03-91)

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